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Position in 6 Weeks™ |  Coaching Program

Can You Imagine…

Waking up everyday knowing that you have someone laying next to you that you're MARRIED too?

Having someone that truly cares about you and your well being?

Finally finding the love you’ve always wanted?

Growing old with your soul mate?

Having the tools you need to position yourself to be found?

Being admired by others because you have the love of your life?

This isn’t impossible, it can happen and it all starts with YOU CHOOSING TO POSITION YOURSELF TO BE FOUND!

POSITIONED™ In 6 Weeks is a fun, refreshing approach to helping singles get on the road to positioning themselves to be found in a 30 Day period. There are tons of dating experts; self help books, singles conferences and even friends and family giving you their advice. However after all of the reading, conferences and advice you still find yourself…BY YOURSELF! It’s time to take control of your singleness and position yourself to be found. We plan for everything else in life but never plan for love; we leave that up to chance. Two of the craziest statements to me are “don’t look for love, love will find you” or the infamous “I’m just going to go out and not expect anything and just go with the flow”. WHAT! How are you going to get what you want with NO expectation? Sense when did “going with the flow” EVER help a person reach a goal? The only thing that reaches the goal of going with a flow is a river because that is what it’s designed to do!

POSITIONED™ In 6 Weeks is designed to get you back in the game. For many women that have been divorced, single, heartbroken or subconsciously feel like they aren’t deserving of a good man or feel like they don’t exist. Some are even bitter and angry about a previous relationship that didn’t workout! Ok, I wasn’t going to go there, but I wouldn't be true to self if I didn’t! I was molested by my father and stepfather, raped by someone I was dating, physically abused to the point you couldn’t recognize the left side of my face, walked in on my ex fiancé having sex with another woman 2 MONTHS before our wedding, went through and ugly divorce (not the same guy) invited to a picnic by a guy I was dating not realizing I was the “sideline” chic. He never acknowledged that I was there because his real girlfriend was there…ouch! I know you’re like “April my God”, yeah I said the same thing! I said all that to say I could’ve wallowed in it and gave up on men, but I made the choice to get over it and WAKE UP! I did a self evaluation to see why I would attract men that would abuse me. I couldn’t blame anyone but myself because of the choices I made.

Long story short I had to go through a mind shift, spiritual cleansing and fall in love with me and that’s what I’m going to teach you how to do. When I tell you after I did that, and took the initiative to position myself to be found, my whole life changed! I am a magnet for single, never been married, NO kids, successful men that WANT to get married! It never fails everywhere I go I attract quality men that are looking for a woman like me. I’m no different than you and you can do the same thing, but it all starts with positioning!!

I’ve been that “go to gal” for years to hundreds across the world helping them get out of their own way and get the relationship they want! I launched “Relationship Thursday” on the April Mason Live radio show in 2007! As well as numerous articles on relationships, and have been the keynote speaker at several singles events. In addition, I am currently in the best relationship of my life! That man loves him some me. So it’s safe to say that this little  lady knows what she’s talking about when it comes to men. Now YOU have the opportunity to learn to enjoy the process of meeting your Mr. Right as well! This is so exciting and such an great time in your life! Together we are going to break down the barriers, false teachings; traditional strongholds that have been holding you back from connecting with your Mr. Right!

Now, I must tell you that POSITIONED™ In 6 Weeks is not a cookie cutter “one size fits all” program.

How would you feel if I created a PERSONALIZED dating blueprint specifically for YOU, YOUR NEEDS and YOUR dating situation?

Imagine having access to me after ever interaction with a “potential” and have me breakdown what just happened, the next move you should make an the right things and mistakes you made?

What about having your very own PERSONALIZED audio that you can listen to that will empower you, keep you optimistic and motivate! Wow, your very own motivation that you can carry wherever you go! Put in your cd player, play in your car, mp3 player etc…now that’s good stuff!

Did you think that was it? Of course not it gets better!

You will get your own PERSONALIZED image breakdown. I don’t care what anyone says your outward appearance MATTERS! From the way you wear your hair to the type of clothes you wear! We all know that men are visual! Maybe it’s time for an overhaul, a new look! Not only will improving you image help you meet Mr. Right but it will also make you feel FABULOUS and give you the confidence to not just walk in a room, but to make an ENTRANCE! When YOU walk in everybody notices without you every having to say a word!

We will identify YOUR personality type! Some of us or introverts and some of us or extroverts and that plays a BIG part in how you connect and interact with others!


Now here is the kicker, you will also get a “Positioned Action Plan” of when, how and where you will position yourself to meet Mr. Right.

In the POSITIONED™ In 6 Weeks program you will discover:

What it means to position yourself to be found


How to “upgrade” your self esteem and confidence


How to deal with past issues that have held you back one and for all (divorce, abuse, heartbreak etc...)


5 things you can do in 24 hrs to IMMEDIATELY jumpstart your dating game


How to make your dating experience fun


How to become an asset instead of a liability


How to control your EMOTIONS


Dating doesn't=SEX


How to get your home in order and ready to receive your Mr. Right


How to stepping outside of your “comfort zone” will help you Tremendously


Embracing dating from a new view


Identifying the relationship you desire


Learning to say what you want


Dumping the “My type” syndrome


How to open up to receive love


How to treat yourself well so others will do the same


Changing your negative beliefs


How your spirituality can help you see the “red flags”


Why you constantly attract the SAME type of guys?

And much more. . .


Don't just take my word for it, check out what others are saying:


"I was a tad nervous about going through the program, but I did it anyway. I’m I so glad I did, Ms. Mason is definitely the Queen in waking you up to see that you are in control of your destiny. After the first coaching call I had the feeling of “Yes I can do this and I deserve a good man”. I hadn't felt that way in years but as of today, my life and dating life has changed. In the first 14 days after applying just a few of the techniques that were given I met someone that treats me so well and we have a lot in common including wanting to get married. I recommend Positioned In 30 Days to any woman looking for the know how to get back out there. Thank you Ms. April"– Monica J, Los Angeles

"YOU ARE THE BEST! You are so wise and you made me see that all I had to do was start to pay attention to all of the awesome opportunities around me. I’m dating more and learning more about what really matters in a relationship me! I’m positioned thanks to April Mason!" – Brandy N, Detroit

"My family and friends thought I was crazy when I told them that I signed up for your program. I started to question myself and ask “am I this desperate?” When I got on the first call before I could even say it Ms. Mason said “this is not an act of desperation but an act of preparation! When she said that I knew I had chosen the right program. I had been researching programs for awhile, but after doing my research on Ms. Mason and listening to her Relationship Thursday Radio Show I knew I found the perfect coach. I was a tad stubborn but she broke through all of that and held me accountable. The homework assignments really caused me to think about what I wanted out of life and in my life. Not only was the Positioned In 30 Days program great, but I purchased all of Ms. Mason’s home-study kits so I could be positioned in every area of my life. I’m well on my way." – Ayanna C,  Atlanta​




                April, how can I secure my spot?



I'm glad you asked. We are in the business of changing lives and in 6 weeks you can do just that, but it’s up to you! I am here to hold you accountable and walk you through the process! You have the career, the house, the car, maybe even the kids, but there is an empty place in your heart, and YOU can position yourself to fill it! I am only accepting 13 women into this program and it fills up quick! Get started today, 30 days with me can CHANGE YOUR LIFE!


6 Weekly Coaching Video Modules

6 Weekly Q&A  Sessions

Private Facebook Group
Weekly homework assignments
Unlimited email communication
Download of all calls
Investment: $1997

Once your payment is made you will be contacted with 24hrs (excluding weekends) to set up your coaching schedule.

Step By Step Video & Audio Lessons

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